Finding Your Shade

Finding Your Shade

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Imagine this: You're roaming the lipstick aisle of your favorite retailer and despite your sea of options, you're still stuck thinking, "What color lipstick should I wear?"

There are so many different lipstick undertones, consistencies, and finishes that can make your makeup shopping trip seem more like a mission than a fun jaunt. Even for me, as a pro makeup artist, it’s no cakewalk digging for a fresh new shade. But here’s the thing: It doesn’t need to be daunting. Lipstick skin tone charts can be handy (we're even sharing one with you below), but truth be told, all you need are a few key guidelines and you'll see that it’s actually quite easy to choose a lipstick color for your skin tone.

First and foremost, it's key to identify your skin's undertone (bonus tip: this can help with choosing a foundation, too). Most people fall into one of two categories: warm or cool. If you're having trouble deciphering your undertone, you could be neutral (a mix of both warm and cool).

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